
09:55 PresentLens 0 Comments

I've thought more about the minimalist lifestyle in recent months, and how having a house full of "stuff" can really cloud your mind.

When we get rid of the things clouding our space, we can explore art a little better, I think. We can look to art to colour and give life to our spaces instead of knick knacks and other things.

For me, this is a great way to live and to be.

I stumbled upon an art space recently and these are some of the pieces i would include in my clutter free minimalist space...

What sort of art do you love/enjoy? What would you bring into your life/home?


Outfit Post. Autumn Style

06:41 PresentLens 0 Comments

Ripped jeans, burgundy jumper, and a touch of classiness... what better way to welcome the beginning of Autumn?

This year, instead of letting my autumn style just happen, I've decided to be more intentional about my style choices. Key words being: Warm, Cosy, Wellies, Grey, Chic, Architectural, Polished, pop of colour, Oversized, Comfortable (taboo word in fashion), Light & Agile, Furry, Clean, Feminine.

What are your style goals for this Autumn?


African Lion

14:33 PresentLens 4 Comments

Did you know that in some African tribes, the sun shining when heavy rain pours signifies the birth of a Lion?

I think of this anytime i witness this beautiful contradiction - true or not.

I saw this beautiful sensory pleasure, and had to capture it for you... a combination of the raindrops, the sun, the clouds and the sunset.

Do you know of any tales/ signifiers in nature?


Forget Paris

12:33 PresentLens 2 Comments

Recently, I planned a trip to Paris.

I was very excited, and this was finally my chance...

To be free, to explore, to get out of my comfort zone, to see the world - which is a major dream of mine.

But circumstances occurred meaning I had to cancel my trip the day before. You can imagine my disappointment!

But I say... Forget Paris! You can have a piece of Paris in your own city. You can explore, you can meet yourself (not find yourself -- we'll get to that later), you can be perfectly content despite your circumstances. Besides, Paris is still there! And we shall meet one day.

I'll share my little piece of Paris -- in London with you:

It also reminds me of  the quote "Wherever you go... there you are". So make the most of who you are, where you are!


Carsten Holler: Decision

15:13 PresentLens 0 Comments

I quite like Art galleries. To me they are different from museums and much more enjoyable. In an art gallery, you are able to use your senses, rather than be bombarded by facts and figures. Its a more immersive experience and you get to feel something, and really connect. I like the type of art where you are not so sure of what you are seeing. Where the lines are clean, the surroundings are clear, the subject is simple, serene, surreal. 

Thats my type of art, but more on that later. For this post, I'm discussing the Carsten Holler: Decision exhibition I saw at the Hayward gallery on the South Bank.

The south bank is a really cool spot. With lots happening including this funky red oyster bar located in a bus!
And impossibly cool graffiti on the walls.

After taking a moment to admire the surroundings, I went on in to the exhibition.

I must say that entering the exhibit was truly one of the scariest experiences of my life. I read the information on the website, and it said - not suitable for people with claustrophobic tendencies.
Pah!! I scoffed. How bad could it possibly be? I will probably pass through a small space and be done with it.
Little did I know.
I passed through tunnels of claustrophobic darkness, not knowing when the end would come, praying I would make it. Trying to stave off a panic attack. 
The loud sound of my feet on the metal didn't help, as i guided myself along in the darkness. 
I heard sounds of other people fumbling through the pitch black, but i was unsure where they came from - were they behind me? Were they in front? Was someone waiting for me, standing still in the darkness? Would the floor give way, and would i fall into a never ending pit? But I made it -- and guess what? I think those claustrophobic tendencies are gone! If you can make it through that, you can make it through most things.
Mile long tunnel of doom.

Without giving much of it away, other attractions included the pill clock  - where the passing of time was represented by the dropping of little red pills every three seconds (with the option of swallowing this unknown pill!), an introduction to amazing Congolese Fara Fara music, Flying Machines, with the opportunity to be like a bird, and experience the sensation of free flying... and much more!

The exhibition ended, in a manner i'd become accostomed to in this exhibition, by leaving via a giant slide!

Experience the Now| PresentLens


Explore Your City

11:12 PresentLens 0 Comments

How was your weekend?

Mine was pretty good. It felt long, and packed full of activity. I don't know about you, but some weekends go by in a flash. Friday at 5pm is greeted with joy and within a blink of an eye, Sunday night is there. Where did the weekend go? What did I do with my time? I relaxed, but was it relaxing? I rested, but was it true rest, or just passing time?

This weekend went a little better. It was filled with people, new experiences, and new places. 
I travelled the world in my own city. I met many people in my friends. Time slowed down and I felt it.

It was a particularly hot Saturday in London. I felt the sweltering heat and welcomed it. The sun penetrating my skin, to warm my heart.

I leave you with my present moment of the day, walking back, and pausing to take in the moment of this musician's lovely voice, and feeling the warm, still summer air around me.

What was your present moment of the day?


About Present Lens

11:39 PresentLens 0 Comments

Present Lens -- a play on present tense. To be, here, now.

This is what this blog is dedicated to; capturing the moment, living in the present.

How often do you feel like life is just passing you by? Like the moments roll into one, merging and forming a great mass of yesterday, the past.

How often do you stop and smell the roses, feel the wind on your skin, the gentle rays caress your face and shoulders? How often do you notice the laugh of the small child running happily on the street, the gentle sound of water as it flows along the riverside, as it crashes against the rocks, as it rains down from that beautiful fountain?

How often do we stop to taste the food we eat, enjoy the textures on our tongue, the salt, the sweetness,

the tangy sourness, a musical delight to our senses.

How often do we see those we love, do we see ourselves, do we see the grand architecture on our streets?

We will start now.
Join the Present Lens community!



15:09 PresentLens 0 Comments

I saw a great play the other day. Let me tell you about it...
It was called Everyman, and it featured the terrific actor Chiwetel Ejiofor.
After seeing him in the phenomenal "Twelve Years A Slave", I relished the thought of seeing him in the flesh!
He didn't disappoint.

A passionate performance based on the 15th century "morality play" which represents all mankind and the account we must give at the end of our lives, alone.

Transformed by Carol Anne Duffy, the play takes on a poetic edge, with a modern and comedic twist.

Highly recommended!

Audience Question:

What plays have you seen recently?